These pictures are from the debut of the Fill-in-the-Blank-o-nator on June 2, 2007. The Man in Gray record release party at Union Hall, Brooklyn, was a lot of fun and reeeeally rockin'.
Man in Gray was awesome and asked me to sing with them on on of there last songs of the evening with the new instrument.
Also that night, Screaming Females rocked the rock back to the stone age. Their record release show will be at The Parlor on June 22nd.
O it was so good. I must make more... I must show them to the world.
sir cut bent in strum ants hacked elect ran ick die vices pro jacks ex pair ah mints i daes etc
El Colin
8:47 AM
Pictures Doth Not Do Justice
There are no words that can describe the feeling that came over me when this little monster was debuted in Brooklyn, NY on June 2, 2007. I have been working on this over the past month and it is finally here to change the face of music... forever.
While it does not have an official name yet, (there will be many different names for it used throughout this post; i.e:) The Kick-Assonator is the most awesome thing imaginable in the mind of a musician. Part delay pedal, part keyboard, part vocorder, part noise maker, part smile generator, part theremin, part overdrive pedal, part chorus, part god, etc...
On one side of The Awesomeanator,
there are two body contacts,
a high-cut filter knob,
a delay frequency knob,
the crazy switch,
and a perma-pause on switch.
On the other side, The Greaternator has
a tempa-sert on switch,
photo-there on switch,
the delayed-delay-fuzz switch,
a delay sustain knob,
an overdrive knob,
and two body contacts.
The back of The Sweetenerator features
a bypass switch,
a 1/4 inch output,
and a 1/4 inch input.
To top of The Colinator, there is
a photoresistor,
and a resistor keyboard.
There was a lot of planning and preparation that went into The Delayerator. It all started with the "My Maker" guitar, which has not been featured on the blog yet. After creating "My Maker," there were a series of toy guitars purchased through various outlets. One of them was the radical rhythm turned "HERO" (featured earlier in the blog) and another, what was once a Barbie Guitar, by accident and with a stroke of luck, transformed over(22)night(s) into the most amazing musical instrument/supplementer ever. The Supplementerator is the most awesome piece to come out of All Over the Where yet, and who knows where it will lead.
Here are some pictures of its guts:
The new delay petal/instrument was unleashed during one of the last songs
played by Man in Gray during their record release party. MiG was kind enough
to invite me to sing and play along with them. (I thought i would just end up
debuting it on the streets of New York and probably get arrested for terrorism
or something.)
All Over the Where will be releasing the first wave of the new invention over the
summer. Six limited edition, customized, Real-Name-a-Lators!
Audio samples, as well as video demonstrations, pictures of the performance, and hopefully video of the performance will be posted shortly.
El Colin
5:13 PM
effects petals
many many apologies for the month plus without a post and many many more thanks if you are still reading this. the blog is back on active status starting now, with a post on some recent effects petals (i know) me and colin have made.
the first is a voice changing toy kit that i modded and added a whole bunch of stuff to so now it you feed it sound and it spits out harsh dirty noise. different combinations of switches create different effects which you can then destroy with the duel pitch knobs, body contacts, and the photo cell. i installed an internal mic and speaker so it can be used alone, with just an input or just an output. its also first time i used a on/off led and a by pass switch, slowly making my way towards vague notions of "quality" and craftsmanship. the internals, however, are madness and i fear if i have open it up again the whole thing will explode.
a nice lil features layout
the housing is an old vhs tape case i got from a movie store when they used to sell those things. i forget if the vhs was a documentary on disasters of the 20th century or a documentary on sea creatures.
true sign of an unprofessional - messy wires
there will be audio samples once me and colin figure out how to turn cassette tapes in to computers
3:47 PM