sir cut bent in strum ants hacked elect ran ick die vices pro jacks ex pair ah mints i daes etc
Mana-Fest @ Seed Gallery this Friday
Doug Oneil, Philippe Garcesto, and Asad Khan are putting on a show, Mana-Fest, at the Seed Gallery this Friday the 22nd. The Seed Gallery is at 239 Washington st. Newark, which is a few blocks away from ECC, Rutgers, and Penn Station. [Directions] .
It starts at 8 with performances, interactive media art, food and wine, and then I guess turns into a party as it says it goes to 3am. There is a cover, so if you plan on going I recommend printing a flyer so its cheaper and drinking/eating/dancing your monies worth.
They asked me to show some work so the Where will be showing Divination, the interactive video element from the thesis show last year. This time Im using a Sonic cartridge instead of Tiny Toons.
12:00 AM
Brave, But Not Stupid
Although all of us have probably had to dumb ourselves down a bit over the past 7 years, we can at least take away lessons from G.W. Bush's mistakes. The lesson applied here is that if necessary, previous comments and commitments must be amended to adjust for current situations. Due to new developments in sound, storyline and production,
the new album, 'Fortune Favors the Brave' will not be released on the original date of 2/29/08.
It would be a glorious date to release on, but it was even ambitious to presume completion by the 29th, and that was before more ideas started to develop.
The album, will most likely be released in March, if not, in April.
The reasons are as follows:
1. The sound, although aesthetically fit, can still be improved through editing.
2. The album is a concept album. It fits to a story and the story and artwork must be presented properly. To this date, the artwork and finished story are not completed.
3. The album will now be co-released with a DVD of videos for songs on the album! The videos are yet to be completed.
The goal of the release is to be accessible, sensible, artistic and supportive.
The written story, 2D art and Sonic pieces of the album will be released for free online!
The DVD and some limited edition CDs will be released as the physical manifestation of the album and will be available through members of All Over the Where.
Until Next Time...
Be Brave!
El Colin
11:49 PM
this is what i do at work
at my new job we dont have internets, im not supposed to be on the phone, and we cannot read magazines or books. but we do have ms paint. so for the last week, this is what i did.
inspired in part by colins songs for the new album and jacki's work ms paintings
more news from this side of the vvorld vvide vveb soon.
5:34 PM