sorry about the lack of posts, trying to finish the marathon of papers and finals that these last ten days of school has become. jacki posted some really great photos of the alchemy installation, so check out her blog to see that and many many more beautiful photographs.
also, check out to learn about many an interesting thing (in that totally crappy morbid kinda of way) that goes on behind closed doors in the administrative hallway at mason gross.
sir cut bent in strum ants hacked elect ran ick die vices pro jacks ex pair ah mints i daes etc
ten more days
2:02 AM
all chem me
now that the shows over, here is the back of the postcard i made
and i don't care how lame it is, in the future, expect more wire and alligator clip writing for flyers, posters, letters, essays, novels, memoirs, wills, and grave stones.
12:49 PM
the dust set alls with more two come
after living in the gallery from sunday to wednesday, the show is installed and looks great. its open from 10 to 4 mon - friday at 33 livingston avenue. there has been a really great positive response from everyone and it has really been wonderful in fighting off the postpartum depression one gets after they finish a HUGE project. and now after having an awesome few days of resting, talking, absorbing, i am very excited for what the future holds. mainly after i push through these last few academic classes and graduate, this summer is going to be massive. there are so many amazing people in town this year and i feel a renaissance or a flourishing of sorts is about to happen. an explosion of driven creative people wanting to do things and affect their surroundings. truly exciting and inspiring.
so i have no good photos of the show yet, but for now here are some bad photos i took.
for the immediate future check out file freakout at the fire in philadelphia on april 28th for an an all night show of electronic and chiptune music and crazy visuals by no carrier and myself. for that show i am going to be mixing duel etch-a-skletches and trying to wire them to themselves so they self oscillate and glitch each other. If i can work out the technical aspects i will also try to use this magic little plug and play arcade game robert mermet gave me. when i put half dead rechargeable batteries in it, the entire game glitches out but is still playable! a true holy grail of interactive glitchness. also another gallery show for the interdisciplinary dance lab i am in is opening on may 9th at the mason gross galleries. for that we will be experimenting with reifying media environments (thanks michael rees!) and reinterpreting the scene from memory. we will then film the actions and what not in this little set, paint it all white and project the scene back on top of it. i have to work out a lot of technical details but i think it will be a very fun and hopefully interesting looking project. ok, enough for now, more later.
1:50 PM